Personalizing EUTHABAG

Personalizing your pets bag alone or as a family can be a soothing ritual before saying your final goodbye to your companion. For children, it can facilitate acceptance of the animal’s departure and initiate the mourning process. Children can colour or paint the bag. They can also write a letter to their pet and put in the bag. It's a way for them to contribute to the process. Personalizing the bag in which your animal will rest is a nice way to honor them and to give them one last gift.

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The Living Urn

This bio urn & planting system was designed to grow a beautiful, enduring memory tree, plant, or flowers with cremated remains.

Honor a loved one when they pass on and celebrate all they’ve given us - the joy, the companionship, the love - and keep their memory present in our lives.

Cuddle Clones

Each Cuddle Clone is hand-designed by their team of skilled artists in order to capture everything that makes your pet unique. 

They also donate a portion of every purchase to an individual pet in need, a shelter or an animal welfare organization

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Silver Pet Prints

Paw print jewelry made from your animals actual paw prints.

Each item is handcrafted from sterling silver and stamped with your pet’s unique paw print and name.


Horse tail and mane keepsakes

For families that have lost their equine companion, you can cherish their memory by trimming the tail or mane hair, washing it and then braiding it with a ribbon.

Picture courtesy of The Argus Institute, Colorado State University

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Ceremony and funeral

Burying your companion at home, where he spent most of his life is a great way to pay tribute to him.
Burying him yourself can be very peaceful and bring a feeling of closure. You can also do a small ceremony with the members of your family where everyone can pay him one final tribute and decorate his grave.

Depending on the country, certain laws must be observed when the time comes to bury your pet.
Here’s everything you need to know about EUTHABAG’s ecology.

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Planting a garden or creating a memorial

Creating a sanctuary for your deceased animal can be a special way to honor them.
Decorating this sanctuary and making it special could help the grieving process.
Planting flowers or even a garden can be a great positive step for children during this transition.
Every spring the flowers will bloom again, like a special ‘‘hello’’ from your beloved companion.

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A donation to a shelter, the SPCA, a veterinary school can be done in the name of a pet.

Even planting a tree: Arbor tree foundation in the US for 5$ or A living tribute in Canada for 20$

Winn Feline Foundation Pet memorial program for Veterinarians or Remember your Cat

Personalized engraving

Gravure Ademir offers the possibility of engraving the image of your companion on an object of your choice to honor his memory. It could also be a very thoughtful gift for someone grieving the loss of their pet.

Personalised engraving by Gravure Ademir

Accessories made from fur

Mon Ange Canin offers jewelry and accessories made from animal fur to offer people a meaningful memory and comforting connection to their companions after they’ve passed.