Stages of Grief
Stages of grief can be complex. This chart may help you as well as your client understand the emotions they are experiencing.
Home Euthanasia
More and more mobile veterinarians are coming to homes to carry out examinations and for delicate appointments such as euthanasia. This is a good option for people whose animals are very nervous or when veterinary establishments cannot accommodate the whole family due to certain restrictions, as was the case during the COVID pandemic. You can find a non-exhaustive list of veterinarians on our find a veterinarian page.
Pet Hospice Services
What is veterinary hospice?
Veterinary Hospice is a family-centered, medically supervised, and team-oriented service dedicated to maintaining comfort and quality of life for the terminally ill or geriatric pet until natural death occurs or the family elects euthanasia.
Modeled originally from human hospice, this specific type of veterinary care is focused on the comfort of your pet, not on finding a cure for his or her disease. It is important to note that veterinary hospice does not include any diagnostic or blood-work services. Their goal is to focus on comfort and maintaining the human-animal bond.
More and more veterinarians are offering home services including end-of-life care. Many offer personalized service in the Montreal region, some veterinarians are also available in the region.
Wolfie’s Wish - Grieving Cards
Anticipatory Pet Loss Affirmation Cards – a Compassionate Companion During Challenging Times.
These cards are designed to provide you with supportive messages and heartfelt affirmations tailored for pet owners dealing with impending loss.
Visit the Wolfie's Wish website to discover them.
Pet Loss / Grief Counselors
There is no longer any reason not to ask for help. Losing unconditional love is difficult.
Do not hesitate to consult.
France Carlos offers individual support to overcome the ordeal of grief by videoconference. She is also the author of the book Le Deuil animalier to which our CEO, Dr. Leheurteux, collaborated.
Lynne Pion offers individual support activities on videoconference to overcome the ordeal of grief and runs the Facebook group - Apprivoiser le deuil animalier (Taming Animal Mourning). Training and activities related to animal bereavement are also offered here. She is also the author of the books “Apprivoiser le deuil animalier”(Taming Animal Mourning) and “Est-ce que tout le monde meurt?” (Does Everyone Die?). There is no reason not to seek help.
Caroline Larouche, psychotherapist, offers animal bereavement support.
Petlost Center - Brigitte Bérubé, social work technician offering training for the public, veterinarians and their teams, animal coaches and zootherapists, as well as individual therapy by videoconference in French or English since 2012. Creator of the Petloss friendly community/compagnon deuil animalier.
Deuil-Jeunesse: Deuil-Jeunesse offers professional advice to young people and families who have to deal with a serious illness or the death of a loved one. The organization works directly with young people and their families and friend. Emergency phone line: 1 855 889-3666 / Head Office: 418 624-3666.
1-888-LE DEUIL (1 888 533-3845), Helpline for people who have lost a loved one.
Find a psychologist in Quebec.
Vive la Vita Therapies Live Life - Pet Loss & Bereavement Counselling
Serving Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph, Cambridge, Elora, Fergus and surrounding areas of Waterloo Region, Wellington County and the GTA.
Phone: (226) 600-1714
Daybreak Counselling Services, Laurel Horn
South Surrey, BC
Phone: (604) 802-6959
University of Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Center: Veterinary Social Work Services
For many, animals are beloved family members, friends and companions. When they are sick or injured, owners experience a variety of emotions and challenges.
As part of the treatment team at the WCVM Veterinary Medical Center, the Veterinary Social Work Program is here to support you through this difficult time.
Offering emotional support during diagnostic testing, treatment or euthanasia.
Helping you communicate your questions and concerns to your veterinary medical team.
Helping you communicate your animal's illness and possible death to your children.
Helping you and your family work through your loss.
Support and referral for farm stress due to issues with your herd or production animals.
Support and referral for family members who are caring for seriously ill pets.
Support and referral for issues such as abuse (animals/people) and alcohol/drug addictions.
Pet loss support groups
Ontario Pet Loss Support Group - Email:
Pet Hospice Community (Facebook group by BluePearl Pet Hospice)
Pet Loss support Group - Ottawa Humane Society
Ontario Pet loss - bereavement support - Ontario SPCA and Humane Society
The Growth & Wellness Therapy Centre (Ontario) - Email:
The Pet loss Support Page - Virtual Pet Losss Support Groups
Online Support
Wolfie’s Wish Pet loss Support Group. A “pawsitive” place (Facebook)
This is a public forum to help those who have lost a pet.
You can also join Wolfie’s Wish Virtual Support Group to share your stories and memories in a supportive environment.